Sunday, June 16, 2024


 This is coolbert:

"DACT is a type of training that simulates combat scenarios between aircraft of different types, allowing pilots to develop skills in engaging and defeating enemy aircraft. This training is crucial for pilots to prepare for real-world combat situations, where they may encounter aircraft with different capabilities and tactics."

If you can fly a Mirage F1 into combat you can fly a Mirage 2000 into combat?

Mercenary DACT PMC pilots respond to the call? PMC = Private military contractor.

Often for going on three years now since the start of the Ukraine Conflict I have often wondered why this has not occurred?

"Mercenaries could pilot Mirage jets provided to Ukraine, says French analyst"

From TASS ] 11 June.

"If it is a Ukrainian pilot with limited flight experience, it will be their weak point," Cyril de Lattre noted

"MOSCOW, June 11. /TASS/. Mercenaries might be the ones flying the Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets France is going to provide Kiev with, as training Ukrainian pilots will not get the job done, French aviation expert Cyril de Lattre told TASS."

"'Nothing will change if Ukrainians pilot [the fighter jets], but skilled foreign pilots on board may complicate things. <…> I absolutely do not rule out that mercenaries may pilot [Mirage fighters] as it might have been the case with F-16s,' said de Lattre, who also specializes in geopolitics and strategy."

DACT PMC combat aviation of the Red Flag/TOPGUN variety; pilots rallying to the Ukrainian cause, hired guns, mercenaries of the skies. PMC pilots perhaps the most adept and highly trained combat aviators ready-to-go in the world?

French Mirage F1 quite often the warplane of choice as flown by PMC companies.

See previous blog entries DACT PMC:


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