Wednesday, June 12, 2024


This is coolbert:

Μήνυμα προς τον ελληνικό λαό από τον Βλαντιμίρ της Μόσχας.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin's message to the Greek people: 'Do not get involved further in Ukraine - The consequences will be tragic'"

"B. Putin warns in Greek..."

IN GREEK. [capitals for emphasis]

From https://warnews247-gr | Evangelos L. 10.06.2024 |

"Russian President Vladimir Putin's message to the Greek people: 'Do not get involved further in Ukraine - The consequences will be tragic'"

"A message from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Greek people, which is actually broadcast in... Greek (!), was posted by the Russian embassy in Athens both on the X platform and on Facebook, a fact that shows the criticism of the situation in terms of military involvement of Greece in Ukraine along with the rest of the NATO forces."

Others have noticed. Broadcast in Greek! Exclamation mark!

"The Russian president informs the Greeks of the 'tragic consequences' that a deepening of Greece's military involvement [in the Ukraine Conflict] would have."

Obviously [?] this is a response to the recent graphic purportedly showing invasion routes and "corridors" as deemed to be use by American NATO reinforcements if and when general war begins in Europe. Port facilities in Greece, USA military contingents land and move northeast into the Balkans. 

See previous blog entry as applicable:


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