Monday, June 17, 2024


This is coolbert:

Perpetual Russian boasting unmasked? Straight from the horses mouth it seems. Anton the Russian soldier speaks.

"The idiom 'straight from the horse’s mouth' means to hear information directly from the person who has the most knowledge or authority about a particular topic. This phrase is often used to convey that the information is reliable, trustworthy, and comes from a credible source."

"Russian soldier says army suffering heavy losses in Kharkiv offensive"

From  |  Pjotr Sauer | 16 Jun 2024 |

Anton Andreev says only 12 out of 100 soldiers remained alive after unit came under Ukrainian fire and drones in Vovchansk"

"Anton Andreev, a Russian soldier from the fifth company of the 1009th regiment, painted a bleak picture of Russia’s offensive in the Ukrainian northern region of Kharkiv."

Vaunted Russian offensive the Kharkiv region the gains too small for the loss. Steamroller tactics wasteful of personnel when the bottom of the barrel already being scrapped?

"The military use of a 'steamroller attack' is much the same: every defended position is attacked and captured (i.e. crushed), and no one is bypassed or isolated. It is also a slow, methodical attack using large amounts of ammunition, tanks and troops." Brutish and overwhelming force used in a brutish and overwhelming manner.

Also see the inset to the map. Area of the combat Kharkiv very small compared to the rest of Ukraine. Ukrainian units have now stabilized the front, a great Russian breakthrough offensive averted? Gains as displayed on a map not the real story?

See additionally the map as accompanying a much previous blog entry from over a year ago. Gains of the Russian throughout the Ukraine Conflict too small as compared to the loss?


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