Wednesday, June 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

“It’s taken two-and-a-half months to build the pier and deliver the claimed 1,000 metric tons of aid, which is a drop in the ocean compared to what’s needed in Gaza. Every day that passes pushes more families closer to starvation and puts more lives at risk,” -  Michael Selby-Green.

As I had feared JLOTS pier Gaza has become yet one more American humiliation! JLOTS kaput! No more JLOTS!

"US To Remove Aid Pier From Gaza Coast"

"The structure has only been operational for about 10 days since it was built off Gaza’s coastline last month."

From | by Will Porter June 18, 2024 |

"The US military could end a mission to facilitate aid shipments into Gaza using a temporary pier as early as next month, the New York Times reported, citing Pentagon officials. The pier has faced constant problems since it was first established in May, including rough weather that has resulted in damage and shutdowns."

"While the Joe Biden administration expected the pier to last into September, when choppy seas would make it inoperable, unnamed officials told NYT the mission could come to and end much sooner, warning aid groups that it could close down by July."

"Last Friday, the Pentagon announced that the structure would be towed to Ashdod, Israel to avoid inclement weather, the second time it was withdrawn to the city due to high seas."

Even at peak capacity [if that was ever achieved] the pier would allow for the delivery of food aid to the residents of Gaza to the extent of providing one meal per person per day! Pier understood [?] to be a mere stop-gap measure, an American for the media production. 

"A stop gap is a temporary solution or a makeshift arrangement that fills a gap or a need until a more permanent solution is found."

See previous blog entry this all anticipated:


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