Monday, June 24, 2024


This is coolbert:

Yair Netanyahu son of Benjamin the Israeli Prime Minister now out of favor? Security detail to be down-graded, but not so excessively so?

 "Shin Bet recommends replacing security detail for Yair Netanyahu - report"

"The Shin Bet recommended replacing its security detail for Yair Netanyahu with personnel from the Prime Minister's Office due to higher threat levels faced by other ministers." | By JERUSALEM POST STAFF | JUNE 23, 2024. 

"The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) has recommended replacing its security detail for Yair Netanyahu, son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with security personnel from the Prime Minister’s Office."

"This recommendation was disclosed during a meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Protection of State Symbols held on June 9, as reported by KAN on Sunday."

Yair his relatively comfortable exile living in Miami, FLA, USA continues. Security detail personnel needed for higher-ranking Israel governmental personalities. But suitable replacement has been found!

Yair his living in "comfortable exile" a source of irritation to many in Israel I gather.

See all previous blog entries the topic Yair:


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