Saturday, June 15, 2024


This is coolbert:

Take a step but with great care!

None of this gonna be easy and done quickly. But must be done sooner or later.

"Women deminers step in to clear up Ukrainian land"

From | BY LÉA DAUPLE | AFP-JIJI | Jun 12, 2024 |

"SNIGURIVKA, UKRAINE – Deminer Tetiana Shpak crouched down in a once tranquil poppy-strewn field in southern Ukraine, now littered with Russian mines."

"Just a few years ago this scene would have been impossible — until 2018 women were banned from becoming deminers, a profession long considered too dangerous for them."

[. . . .]

"More women like her are joining mine-clearance teams, where they now account for 30 percent of personnel, according to official data."

"A similar trend has unfolded in other professions once dominated by men that have been drained of labor by mobilization and emigration."

Another area where women are superior to men? More patient, more observant, more attention to detail. Perhaps more cautious also? Less prone to take unnecessary risks.

Too dangerous for the women? Hell, too dangerous for the men!

Women deminers not removing the mines or disarming but marking and that alone it seems. Scarcely a mission without danger nonetheless!

The image accompanying this blog entry of a lady Afghan deminer. Ukraine has them, the Afghan has them too!

Bully for these lady deminers. I have great admiration and respect for them. And should.

See the definition of bully as an archaic term of endearment: "'Bully' was also an exclamation of admiration or approval, as in 'bully for him [her]!'"


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