Thursday, June 20, 2024

Paratroopers III.

This is coolbert:

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"

Even best of the best Israeli soldiers caught napping literally.

During Roman times a soldier found sleeping while on guard duty would be punished by death.

First before 7 October:

1. "Unusual incident at IDF base: Arabs steal machine gun while soldiers are sleeping"

From |  Sep 1, 2023 |

"IDF investigating incident in which a MAG-type machine gun was stolen while soldiers who were supposed to be guarding it fell asleep."

"Bedouin Arabs stole a MAG-type machine gun from soldiers who were sleeping during training at the IDF base in Tze'elim, located in southern Israel."

"A preliminary investigation of the incident found that the soldiers were supposed to be guarding a vehicle on which the machine gun was mounted but fell asleep, and a number of Bedouin thieves who were waiting for the appropriate time, took the weapon and fled the scene with it."

Second after 7 October:

2. "Serious security breach at IDF base in southern Israel"

From |   Jun 19, 2024 |

"Two Arabs, one of whom was in Israel illegally, worked at an IDF base in southern Israel - and stole a weapon from the staff living quarters."

"The State Prosecutor has filed an indictment with the Be'er Sheva District Court against two Arabs suspected of stealing weapons from a military base."

"According to the indictment, Yousef Abu Arar of Ar'ara and Amar Mohammed Miata worked in a military base, and stole weapons from it. Abu Arar served as a secondary contractor in a sealing company which provides services to the IDF. About a month ago, Abu Arar and Mohammed - who is in pre-1967 Israel illegally - worked at a Paratroopers Brigade base in southern Israel."

You would have thought that discipline and awareness among all Israeli units would have been brought to the highest level of readiness subsequently to events as transpired on 7 October. But evidently not. And among elite units no better than before!


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