Sunday, June 2, 2024


This is coolbert:

 "the deal as was published today - means the end of the war and giving up on eliminating Hamas. This is a reckless deal, which constitutes a victory for terrorism and a security threat to the State of Israel. Agreeing to such a deal is not the absolute victory - but rather the absolute defeat. We will not allow for the war to end without the complete elimination of Hamas." - Ben Gvir.

Indeed. Israeli acceptance of the 3-part plan will constitute a defeat for Israel. Goals of the military campaign as stated by Prime Minister Netanyahu not achieved.

1. "Senior Netanyahu adviser: Israel okayed Biden-touted hostage deal, but work needed"


"Ophir Falk tells UK’s Sunday Times there will be no permanent ceasefire until Hamas is destroyed; President Herzog tells PM he will back him on hostage release proposal"

2. "President Herzog: 'I will back government in prisoner exchange deal'"

From | Hezki Baruch | Jun 2, 2024 |

"Israeli President Herzog commented on the proposal presented by US President Biden to release hostages: 'It is imperative to bring them home as part of a deal that maintains the security interests of the State of Israel.'"

Hamas will be able to proclaim victory and with a DEGREE of justification. Lot of damage to Hamas fighting units but still the ruling faction will remain in power and BE ABLE to reconstitute themselves. Still will present a threat in the future! Hamas HAS survived.

You can well bet that going to be a lot of controversy over the exchange of hostages. How many taken in totality, how many dead, where are the remains, etc.

And very large numbers of Hamas operatives and fighters to also be repatriated. Many thousands I suspect. All will return to Gaza and celebrated as heroes.

All negotiations of course subject to tweaking!

"tweak: to make usually small adjustments in or to; especially : fine-tune"


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