Wednesday, July 17, 2024


This is coolbert:

 "The defendant asked 'Anna' whether he should go to the demonstrations on the right or left side of the political map, and 'Anna' replied that it didn't matter. In addition, she suggested that he should break the glass of a store window during a demonstration in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem," 

Anna and the King of Siam? No! Anna and Elimelech the Hasidic Jew.

"Israeli charged with working for Iran is Vizhnitz Hasid who 'didn't know what he was doing'"

From | Shilo Freid.

"Elimelech Stern  comes from a respected Hasidic family and owned a smartphone against the rigid community's rules"

"After the IDF and Shin Bet indicted 21-year-old Hasidic Israeli Elimelech Stern for working for Iranian intelligence agencies on Tuesday, his acquaintances said they were 'shocked,' to learn of the charges."


* Consider this fellow to be in really big trouble! Espionage during WARTIME usually a capital offense. Execution mandated and warranted!

* Elimelech fell for the honey pot trap. The femme fatale seducing the man from afar and the Israeli only too glad to oblige.

* Sums of money as promised rather great for what amounts to petty crime and vandalism!

* I strongly suspect that Elimelech KNEW totally 100 % what he was doing.

* Anna I also strongly suspect not a woman. A man!

See previous blog entries with many additional links the honey pot smart phone trap:


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