Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 Hi my name is Leon Walker I am Alberts (coolbert's ) cousin. It is with my deepest sympathies that I regret to inform all of Al's follower and readers that Albert Linsenmeyer has passed away. I hope you have all enjoyed reading Al's blog for all these years. He was very proud of what he created here and was so very happy to have shared is views and thoughts on all things military. We will miss him very much and I am sure all you will too.

Follow the link below for information on Albert's funeral services.



The Family of Albert

Friday, July 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

Straight from the horse's mouth:

"The phrase 'straight from the horse’s mouth' means hearing information directly from the person who has personal knowledge of the matter, rather than from someone else or through rumors. It implies that the information is authentic and trustworthy because it comes from the source itself."

Here a collection of You Tube video, written articles, podcasts the Israeli General officer Yaakov Amidror. When Yaakov speaks me all listen?

European date format used. dd/mm/yyyy.

1. "The Tikvah Podcast: Yaakov Amidror on Why He’s Arguing That Israel Must Prepare for War with Iran"


2. "Initial Lessons from the October 2023 War"

"The initial lessons from the war are the need to legitimize the option of preventive strikes and wars; expand investment in innovative technology to further improve Israel’s qualitative edge; increase the defense budget and enlarge the IDF; and thus, gain the ability to deploy larger forces to the defense of the borders and to fight simultaneously on more than one front."


3. "Briefing with Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror - November 22, 2023"


4. “'Is there a New Middle East?' – Major General (res.) Yaakov Amidror"


5. "Iran’s ‘Ring of Fire’"

Iran has spent years building a battle doctrine against Israel in which its proxies surround and attack Israel but it, ostensibly, is not involved • The assassination of a senior IRGC officer in Damascus makes it clear to Iran that this strategy does not give it immunity, and that if it intensifies its actions against Israel, any Iranian will be a legitimate target


6. "Briefing on the Conduct of the Gaza War by MG (res.) Yaakov Amidror."


As to the curriculum vitae of General Yaakov:

"Yaakov Amidror . . . is a former major general and National Security Advisor of Israel, and was also the head of the Research Department of Israeli military intelligence."

Not doubt about it. This man moved in high circles in a big way.


Thursday, July 18, 2024


This is coolbert:

"catharsis: noun - A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit"

PTSD Israeli citizen in the aftermath of events of 7 October? A purging and release of emotions as repressed can be achieved?


"Tel Aviv ‘rage room’ a smash hit for post-October 7 Israelis desperate to vent"

By JENNIFER KORN7/17/2024.

"While the therapeutic benefits are debatable, participants at 2Break get momentary catharsis by obliterating computers, tea sets and garden gnomes with a variety of weaponry"

"Music blared as two figures in full bodysuits, chest protection, clunky helmets and gloves violently struck a computer with crowbars. Smashed bits of technology and broken teacups already littered the floor of the harshly lit, cell-like room, and the graffitied corkboard walls shook with the force of their blows."

"Ten minutes later, the pair of masked destroyers emerged back into reality, shucking their gear to reveal two giggling friends in jeans celebrating a birthday, before taking a moment by the water cooler to come down from their rage session."

LET OFF STEAM! "Letting off steam refers to the act of releasing pent-up energy, anger, or strong emotions through physical activity, noisy behavior, or engaging in a relaxing or enjoyable activity."

Correct. The Israeli not accustomed to a prolong attritional war. Not since 1947 at least. Multiple call-up of reservists for combat duty hardly seemingly no end in sight!

See all previous blog entries PTSD and the Gazan:War connection:





This is coolbert:

Woe (“great distress or sadness; calamity, trouble”). 

"dragoon: transitive verb - to force into submission or compliance especially by violent measures [or the implied threat thereof]"

We're watching you. Now we know who you are. 

Slacker, malingerer, dodger. Draft dodger specifically. Those attempting to evade military service by not registering with the competent authority.

"Military recruiters raid Novatek’s construction yard in Murmansk"

From https://thebarentsobserver.com | By Atle Staalesen |  July 09, 2024.

"A thorough search was conducted in the premises of the Belokamenka LNG Construction Center and several foreign workers sent directly to the local military draft office."

I infer they mean non-ethnic Russian but persons possessing Russian citizenship.

"The raid was conducted by officers of a regional military investigative unit along with representatives of the police and the National Guard (Rosgvardiya), the Belokamenka51 social media page informs."

"The purpose was to hunt down foreigners with Russian citizenship that have not enrollment [sic] in the armed forces."


AND if you think you can hide by traveling to the Russian Arctic far north for employment you have have a thing or two coming!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024


This is coolbert:

Consideration to me this a revelation. Advanced missile systems US Army. 

System apparently fast-tracked and now deployable. Mid-Range Capability [MRC].

fast-track: "verb - to speed up the processing, production, or construction of in order to meet a goal"

1. "US Army deploys midrange missile for first time in Philippines"

https://www.defensenews.com        By Jen Judson        Apr 16, 2024. image courtesy US Army.

"The Mid-Range Capability missile has landed in Luzon, Philippines, as part of the Salaknib exercise taking place there, marking the first deployment of the new capability deemed vital for the U.S. Army’s strategy in the region."

SM-6 and Tomahawk! Normally missiles only in the inventory of the US Navy. Not ordinarily and regularly part and parcel of US Army inventory. Until now! SM-6 evidently now can be used in the surface-to-surface mode of attack! Tomahawk missiles probably of the land-attack version.

Training exercise the Philippines. Not permanently deployed. [click on image to see an enlarged view]

And now this:

2. "Philippines Says US Mid-range Missile System To Be Pulled Out"

https://www.barrons.com        By AFP - Agence France Presse        July 4, 2024

"A US mid-range missile system deployed in the Philippines for annual joint military exercises -- to the annoyance of China -- will be pulled out of the country, a Philippine Army spokesman said Thursday."

The mere presence of the Mid-Range system a source of irritation and aggravation to the Chinese? You can reasonably infer then this missile apparatus seen as a significant danger? If the Chinese do not like it then MRC must be good?

YES, fear the reaper!



This is coolbert:

 "The defendant asked 'Anna' whether he should go to the demonstrations on the right or left side of the political map, and 'Anna' replied that it didn't matter. In addition, she suggested that he should break the glass of a store window during a demonstration in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem," 

Anna and the King of Siam? No! Anna and Elimelech the Hasidic Jew.

"Israeli charged with working for Iran is Vizhnitz Hasid who 'didn't know what he was doing'"

From https://www.ynetnews.com | Shilo Freid.

"Elimelech Stern  comes from a respected Hasidic family and owned a smartphone against the rigid community's rules"

"After the IDF and Shin Bet indicted 21-year-old Hasidic Israeli Elimelech Stern for working for Iranian intelligence agencies on Tuesday, his acquaintances said they were 'shocked,' to learn of the charges."


* Consider this fellow to be in really big trouble! Espionage during WARTIME usually a capital offense. Execution mandated and warranted!

* Elimelech fell for the honey pot trap. The femme fatale seducing the man from afar and the Israeli only too glad to oblige.

* Sums of money as promised rather great for what amounts to petty crime and vandalism!

* I strongly suspect that Elimelech KNEW totally 100 % what he was doing.

* Anna I also strongly suspect not a woman. A man!

See previous blog entries with many additional links the honey pot smart phone trap:





Tuesday, July 16, 2024


This is coolbert:

“All men are brothers, like the seas throughout the world; So why do winds and waves clash so fiercely everywhere?” - Hirohito.

Testing the waters so to speak?

 “'testing the waters' means to try out an idea, plan, or proposal to gauge people’s reactions or opinions before committing to it."

"Japanese destroyer enters Chinese waters despite warnings"

"A Japanese official suggested the possibility that the entry was a 'procedural error.' However, a Chinese security expert has expressed doubt about this explanation."

 From https://www.israelhayom.com |  By  Miri Weissman |  07-10-2024 | image courtesy Getty.

"A Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) destroyer briefly entered Chinese territorial waters off the eastern province of Zhejiang, despite repeated warnings from Chinese vessels, according to Kyodo News. The incident has led to severe concerns from Beijing and prompted an investigation by the Japanese Defense Ministry."

"The destroyer Suzutsuki, which was tasked with monitoring Chinese military drills on the high seas, sailed into Chinese waters on July 4. This rare move by a Self-Defense Forces vessel occurred just a day after Zhejiang authorities announced a no-sail zone [NOTAM] nearby for a Chinese military live-fire drill."

Areas of the East China Sea indeed territorial sovereignty disputed. This "procedural error" planned I might infer. Think the Senkaku Islands and immediate environs.

As with regard to the comment of Hirohito: 

Think Gaza/Taiwan/South China Sea/Ukraine. Did I miss anything?

Indeed, waves clashing so fiercely and I dread the thought of much more clashing on a world-wide scale!
