Saturday, May 11, 2024

Mulberry II.

This is coolbert:

The JLOTS Gaza now ready to begin operation?

JLOT = Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS).

"US Prepares to Move Aid Over The Shore Into Gaza | Soldiers, Sailors, Mariners & Ships Offshore"

See the You Tube video an expert analysis of the JLOT:

Keypoints and takeaway:

* Inefficient way of delivering food aid in a famine crisis.

* Danger of the JLOTS being subjected to storm damage.

* Capacity of the entire delivering mechanism food aid to Gaza at the most able to provide one meal per day per person Gaza. Inadequate!

Think in context the Mulberry Harbors, the Normandy invasion, D-Day, WW2.

"Mulberry harbors were two temporary portable harbors developed by the British Admiralty and War Office during the Second World War to facilitate the rapid offloading of cargo onto beaches during the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944"

Mulberry always seen as an expedient means of delivering men and material to the invasion force subsequent to 6 June 1944. The seizure of the French port facility Cherbourg with all due speed a must requirement.

The Mulberry apparatus only in service for less than two full weeks before severe storm damage rendered the Normandy temporary port facility inoperable.

See all previous blog entries JLOTS:


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