"Desperate circumstances require desperate measures"
Here with a topic that has been a favorite of mine. Near and dear to my heart and the subject of many of previous blog entry.
Hunt the wild boar! As a training exercise, simulation of combat, good training for the military.
The European wild boar! Big, nasty, ugly, smart, destructive of the environment and DANGEROUS!

Make no mistake about it! This boar, if provoked, will come at you to kill you in an instant. And very capable of doing so too. A big and very dangerous animal.
This time with a German twist! Thanks to Der Spiegel.
"Calling in the Big Guns"
"German Farmers Want Army to Help Combat Wild Boars "
"Desperate circumstances require desperate measures, say German farmers who are demanding that the army be brought in to help kill the growing number of wild boars damaging their crops. But the request is likely to be rejected."
But, a request - - apparently - - REJECTED!
"The request for troops seems bound to be rejected. The German army is already stretched to the limit with its foreign missions and the country's constitution forbids troops from being used on German soil."
"the country's constitution forbids troops from being used on German soil"
What is this? German troops cannot be used on German soil? Perhaps in civilian oriented endeavors perhaps? In this case, the wild boar present a clear, present, and eminent danger to the society at large. As go the farmers, so does go Germany.
IN THE MIDDLE AGES, THE HUNTING OF THE WILD BOAR FROM HORSEBACK, USING LANCES ["PIG STICKERS"] TO DO SO WAS A "SPORT" RESERVED FOR THE NOBILITY! An honorable and pleasurable pastime that obviously was "good training" for military combat of that era!
See my previous blog entries on the wild boar:
AND there is precedent for this sort of thing. Eradication by military units of wild boar populations that have proliferated in prodigious number, the pigs creating environmental damage of major proportions.
It is reputed that an American Special Forces [SF] unit in the 1950's conducted a live-fire operation on a remote Japanese island, the purpose of which was the elimination of a wild boar population run wild, eating the place literally to the ground. Troops probably from the SF battalion "forward" located on Okinawa. Live-fire and good training!
And those that have eaten the meat rate it as good! Hey, those German farmers need HELP!
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