Here are two more instances of the military man gone bad. Persons best referred to as: "Villainous Company"
1. Master Sergeant Samuel Doe.

"Samuel Kanyon Doe . . . was the President of Liberia from 1980 to 1990. His regime was characterized by ethnically-based dictatorship and the suppression of political opposition"
A minor non-commissioned officer in the Liberian Army, led a coup d' etat [1980] that became known as the Sergeants' Rebellion.

Here are the non-commissioned officers that comprised the Sergeants' Rebellion plotters.
Overthrew the legal and long time established democracy of Liberia, perpetrating from the onset a series of atrocities and executions of the ruling elite, all done with a sadistic cruelty and viciousness almost beyond measure.
"On April 12, 1980, Doe led a military coup . . . Thirteen members of the Cabinet were publicly executed ten days later . . . The early days of the regime were marked by mass executions "
About two dozen of the civilian ruling Liberian elite, stripped to their underwear, tied to poles on the beach, executed by repeated wounding [shooting to bits]. Executions seemingly carried out with relish, a mockery of any civil behavior or judicial process. Barbaric!!

Doe, assuming the "Presidency" of the Liberian state, was noted for his mercurial behavior and manner of dress. Carrying either a sub-machine gun or "boom-box", wearing either an orange jump suit or combat fatigues, ruling in a draconian and despotic manner, feared by all around him.
In the decades following the Sergeants' Rebellion, the entire region of west Africa became politically unstable, beset with a whole series of civil wars - - tribal conflicts - - wars characterized by mass murder, rape, and atrocities of a horrific nature!!
All thanks to Doe.
Doe eventually went the way of most dictators, meeting an especially cruel and grisly death by slow dismemberment. Let us say that Doe was not a liked person!
2. Colonel Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan.

Colonel in the Filipino Army. An up-and-coming young officer with the absolute correct and impeccable combination of talent, education, breeding, and accomplishment.
A man too with aspirations of a much more marked nature. NOT merely content with a high status and position within the Filipino army!
Led a WHOLE SERIES OF FAILED COUP D' ETATS!! Had his sights set as being in charge of the "whole shooting match"!
A military man in the HABIT of hatching plots - - all with the intent of overthrowing the government in power [Marcos, Aquino, Macapagal-Arroyo, etc.]! Colonel Gregorio - - a man engaging in machinations of a unseemly type - - and doing so FOR A PERIOD OF TWO DECADES!!
* "Civil unrest (1970)"
* "People Power (1986)"
* "1986-87 plots"
* "Honasan's Second (1989)"
* "Fall of Estrada (2001)"
* "May 1 riots (2001)"
* "Oakwood mutiny (2003)"
* "State of emergency (2006)"
* "Manila Peninsula rebellion (2007)"
[repeated failure seemed to not deter Gregorio one bit. One plot followed another, Gregorio having benefactors at the highest level of Filipino society! Gregorio did lead and does lead a charmed life!]
Colonel Gregorio has a lot of charisma, "staying-power", and is photogenic? Survived a number of failed coup attempts most successfully - - becoming a Filipino Senator and thriving - - even in adversity!
But still, another example of the military man gone bad!
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