Anzio continues!
The mountains of Lazio!
That terrain over which the Battle of Anzio fought was not suitable for military operations? The area bordering the coast line, most specifically the Pontine marshes, and the mountainous terrain north of where the Anzio beachhead was established - - was recognized by even the ancients [Romans] as "bad ground"? To be avoided at all costs, and crossed in as expeditious a manner as possible if approaching from the south!
"Invading armies from the south refused to cross the marsh or to take the only other road to Rome, the Via Latina, running along the flanks of the Monti Laziali, for fear that they would be trapped"
During Operation Diadem [1944], the breakthrough offensive of the allied forces in Italy, it was necessary for the two U.S. Army units on the far left of the allied offensive, the 88th and 85th Infantry Divisions, to cross that mountainous terrain, north of the Anzio beachhead.
Mountainous terrain - - The mountains of Lazio!

"The marsh [Pontine] is surrounded by impassible mountains . . . Overall they are referenced by the name Monti Laziali, the mountains of Lazio"
Those two units [88th and 85th] - - moving quickly, side-by-side - - succeeded in a way that would have been envied EVEN BY THE LEGIONS OF ANCIENT ROME?
That 88th Division in particular, the subject of previous blog entries, described by Dupuy and also by German military men in opposition - - to be a shock unit, THE BEST UNIT IN THE U.S. ARMY - - World War Two!!
The breakthrough of the Gustav Line, the Hitler Line, the fast movement in marked contrast to the previous impasse at Cassino, crossing THE MOUNTAINS OF LAZIO without incident, further indication that the 88th Division [along with the 85th alongside and not to be forgotten] was a special unit, almost unique, the equal of the BEST German units, and the BEST the U.S. had during the war!!
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