This is coolbert:
“It is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.” - - First Epistle of Peter
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” - - from Ephesians
“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him…To deliver their soul from death.” - - from the book of Psalms
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” - - from Ephesians
“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him…To deliver their soul from death.” - - from the book of Psalms
Here is the type of palaver as carried by the main stream media [MSM] that I often find to be quite goofy!! This topic is actually now a hot button item for the MSM?
"Palaver - - 1. Talk; conversation; esp., idle or beguiling talk; talk intended to deceive;"
An "expose" from GQ:
Cover sheets for intelligence briefings and such, as presented by Donald Rumsfeld to President Bush, in the days leading up to and during the major combat hostilities in Iraq [2003], WERE PEPPERED WITH BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS!! [cover sheets only it seems!!]
This is now A MAJOR ISSUE!!?? Is an indication of devious behavior intended to influence President Bush and is all the work of the Donald Rumsfeld??!!
"the sheer cunning of pairing unsentimental intelligence with religious righteousness bore the signature of one man: Donald Rumsfeld."
That some folks are in a state of agitation and indignation over this "issue" is so much "poppycock", "rot", and "baloney"!!??
Various military men throughout history, many in the Anglo-Saxon tradition, have used Biblical quotations and prayer prior to battle!! There is no contradiction or difficulty here??
1. Orde Wingate - - Chindits.
"let us pray that God may accept our services and direct our endeavours so that when we shall have done all we shall see the fruit of our labours and be satisfied." - - O.C. Wingate, Commander, 77th Indian Infantry Brigade
From the Order of the Day [as](Issued to Columns as they crossed the Chindwin, 13th to 17th February 1943).
At this exact moment, Wingate, that most odd-type of commander, leading the "columns", the Chindits, into Burma for brigade size unconventional military operations of the most dangerous sort. Wingate, the SON OF A PASTOR, AND A MAN NOT ABOVE IMPLORING GOD AT A TIME OF WAR AND KNOWING HOW TO DO SO!!
2. Oliver Cromwell - - "Ironside".
"Ironside was the name given to a trooper in the Parliamentarian cavalry formed by English political leader Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century, during the English Civil War."
The unit under the command of Cromwell was referred to as "Ironside". Cromwell was an amateur at war ABLE TO BEAT THE PROFESSIONALS AT THEIR OWN GAME!! A truly intuitive and inspired commander of the first-order.
And commanded a unit particularly unique [??] in the history of warfare? Marched and rode into battle SINGING HYMNS TO GOD!!
"and charged the enemy singing hymns – the strangest abnormality in an age when every vice imaginable characterized soldiers and mercenaries."
Cromwell was also not above speaking in terms of Biblical metaphor when referring to victories of "Ironsides", defeating the Royalist forces:
"'God made them stubble to our swords'"
Please see too my previous blog entry regarding the soldier, prayer, and imploring GOD in a time of WAR!!
And - - finally - - for the devoted and long time reader to my blog - - you will recall that on occasions, I too, use and quote scripture in my blog entries. Surely that does not diminish what I have to say - - even in one iota!!??
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