This is coolbert:
Read about nano-weaponry and the potentiality thereof. "Scenario 1: Secret Military Development". Nano-weaponry, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], the development of which is moving apace [?], as we speak? Weaponry currently only [?] within the realm of science-fiction, technology of an insidious and sinister nature.
Nano-technology - - the manipulation of materials at the sub-molecular level, moving individual atoms around to construct materials, processes, functions, devices, "factories" !
"basic definition: Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced."
"Nanotechnology . . . is the study of the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures of the size 100 nanometers or smaller, and involves developing materials or devices within that size."
"To put that scale in another context, the comparative size of a nanometer to a meter is the same as that of a marble to the size of the earth." [this is correct. Do the math, assuming that the diameter of the marble is about a half/inch.]
Here from the "guru" of nanotechnology, Eric Drexler:
"Eric Drexler writes that nano-weapons 'can be more potent than nuclear weapons: to devastate Earth with [nuclear] bombs would require masses of exotic hardware and rare isotopes, but to destroy all life with [nano] replicators would require only a single speck made of ordinary elements.' We also read, 'A [nuclear] bomb can only blast things, but nanomachines . . . could be used to infiltrate, seize, change, and govern a territory or a world.'”
Nanotechnology, weaponized and brought to fruition, will constitute a WMD that is the polar opposite in contrast to an atomic bomb? Macro versus the micro [nano], particularly so with regard to BEING EMPLOYED AND ACTING AS A DESTABILIZING ELEMENT!!
Four factors regarding nanoweaponry stability/instability:
1. "The most obvious is the massive destructiveness of all-out nuclear war . . Nuclear weapons cause indiscriminate destruction; nanotech weapons could be targeted."
2. "Nuclear weapons require massive research effort and industrial development, which can be tracked far more easily than nanotech weapons development;"
3. "nanotech weapons can be developed much more rapidly due to faster, cheaper prototyping."
4. "Finally, nuclear weapons cannot easily be delivered in advance of being used; the
opposite is true of nanotech."
Let us not, however, go and put the cart before the horse. Nanotechnology is still in the infancy stage of development. Weapons are still a thing of science fiction? Do not put yourself in an excessive fret fearing the micro [nano] - - at least not yet! "Materials" can be made using nanotechnology, but as for "processes, functions, devices, 'factories'" - - you are going to have to wait a while?
"August 21, 2008, the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies estimates that over 800 manufacturer-identified nanotech products are publicly available, with new ones hitting the market at a pace of 3-4 per week."
See these various archived articles thanks to NewsMax from the distinguished author Lev Navrazov. An emigre' from the ex-Soviet Union, an author, a Russian who knows his English and history, and a man who can understand scientific matters and can speak of same with some authority, having, in his own words: "I matriculated at the giant MEI (Moscow Energy Institute"
A man who is attempting to "sound the alarm" regarding the potential [?] weaponization of nanotechnology and the threat posed to the United States and other nations of the "free world" community if the matter is not taken seriously. A threat most likely manifesting itself from China. Thanks to Lev.
"No Freedom if China Develops Nanoweapons "
"Nanoweapons Research Necessary for Survival"
"China's Ongoing Nanotechnology Threat"
"U.S. Oblivious to China’s Nanotechnology"
"Future Wars Will Be Waged With Nano-Weapons"
"'Manhattan Project' Needed for Nano Weapons"
"Nanotechnology: The Weapon of the Future"
"Media Pick up on China Nanotechnology Threat"
The alarm is being sounded! Is anyone of authority paying heed? We should hope so!
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What utter nonsense!
The US has deployed in the CONUS nanoparticles in virtually every product!
Don't worry about the Chinese; worry about the particles you are inhaling excited by space based microwave emitters.
The interesting thing is that the military is starting to use the nanotechnology all around the world. It is good when the military implements something like that because it proves that the nanotechnology is really useful. They could use a graphene material.
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