Friday, July 5, 2024


This is coolbert:

A done deal? Light at the end of the tunnel?

The devil as usual is in the details

Cease fire and hostage/prisoner exchange the Gazan War.

In chronological order:

1. "Report details Israel’s deal proposal, including ‘permanent’ cessation of hostilities before all hostages return"


"Channel 12 news publishes extensive details of what it says is Israel’s May 27 proposed hostage and ceasefire deal to Hamas, without citing sources or saying how it obtained it."

2. "Israel says it’s studying latest Hamas response to Gaza ceasefire-hostage deal"

From Times of Israel | By JACOB MAGID and TOI STAFF 3 July 2024.

"Senior Israeli official says terror group’s updated proposal gives more room for a possible agreement but stresses gaps still significant, suggests Netanyahu’s office harming talks"

3. "Israel sends delegation to renewed hostage-truce talks in Doha on Hamas proposal"

From | By LAZAR BERMAN and TOI STAFF | 4 July 2024.

"In phone call, Biden tells Netanyahu he welcomes the ‘effort to close out the deal’; Mossad chief David Barnea reportedly heading up team departing for Doha"

4. "U.S. sees major breakthrough in Israel-Hamas talks, senior administration official says"

From Reuters through Ha'aretz | 4 July 2024. 

"Hamas made a significant adjustment in its position over a potential hostage release deal with Israel, a senior U.S. administration official said on Thursday, expressing hope that it would lead to a pact that would be a step to a permanent cease-fire."

Three-stage plan to end the Gazan War with a cessation of hostilities, exchange of hostages/prisoners AND a total withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip.

I would fully expect this to be considered as a loss for the Israeli side. Hamas not eliminated but active, alive and well able to reconstitute AND even as we speak reconstituting!


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