This is coolbert:
"Preparedness is the key to success and victory." - - D. Mac Arthur.
Douglas Mac Arthur, that most notable American military man whose career, deeds and exploits are nearly unrivaled [?] almost NOT gaining entry into the United States Military Academy, West Point!
Mac Arthur having been referred to as an American "Caesar"! "Caesar" in this case proving his worth at an early age!
Denied a Presidential appointment by two Presidents, Mac Arthur having to take a competitive exam, admittance to the Academy being gained "the hard way" by besting mere "mortals", the presence of Cadet Mac Arthur not being guaranteed, not a "slam dunk", Douglas demonstrating considerable mettle in the process!
"After he graduated in June 1897 [West Texas Military Academy] the MacArthurs devoted themselves to getting Douglas in the U.S. Military Academy. His influential grandfather and father convinced several prominent politicians, generals, and clergymen to recommend him for a presidential appointment . . . Neither Grover Cleveland nor his successor, William McKinley, responded positively . . ."
"The category of 'Presidential" nominations is for children of active duty soldiers or those who have retired having served a full (at least 20 year) career and for active reservists with at least 8 continuous years of service"
The family Mac Arthur having and was able to wield considerable political clout - - yet an appeal to two Presidents not being successful! Something was going on here behind the scenes, ruffled feathers, etc. NONE of that is clear!
The chosen path to West Point not being clear, Douglas Mac Arthur left with no alternative but Congressional appointment!
"In October 1897 Douglas hoped to attain a congressional appointment from Rep. Theobald Otjen . . . With the assistance of two tutors Douglas spent the next eighteen months preparing for the grueling West Point entrance exam. When not studying he received medical treatment for the slight scoliosis which had caused him to fail his first physical examination for admission."
Eighteen months of study being required PRIOR to the competitive exam, Douglas faring quite well, his scores exceeding all others, the man receiving his Congressional appointment, well deserved.
Mac Arthur was undeniably a man of considerable intellect. Did very well at academic studies - - among his peers in all instances ranking FIRST! Mac Arthur may have been what is called a "grind" [one who studies constantly] but he DID have a very good head on his shoulders, a brain in that head that was first-class! That atmosphere at West Point is intended to test your mental faculties and physical abilities, Mac Arthur was MORE than ready for the challenge!
"Douglas attended [1893] the West Texas Military Academy San Antonio, Texas, where he was awarded the gold medal for 'scholarship and deportment.' . . . He was named valedictorian, with a final year average of 97.33 out of 100"
"he passed an examination for an appointment from Congressman Theobald Otjen, scoring 93.3 on the test."
"[while at West Point] . . . academically earned 2424.12 merits out of a possible 2470.00 or 98.14. He graduated first in his 93-man class."
BUT it was an almost? I would be curious to learn the path by which the older brother, Arthur, gained admission to the Naval Academy. Whether by Presidential appointment or by competitive exam. Anyone can venture a guess?
It can even be argued that in this instance, the hard way was the correct way? Rather than having to rely upon political muscle and pull, Douglas had to EARN his way to the Academy, his own self-esteem bolstered in the process. A valuable lesson WAS learned. NOT only was preparation the key to success, but Douglas convinced himself in his own mind that he was both WORTHY and COULD!
If you believe you CAN, you probably CAN!
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