Saturday, June 8, 2024


This is coolbert:

Everybody making ready. Do I need to tell you what for!! 

As was previously announced has now become an accomplishment.

"Swiss F/A-18s Practice Highway Operations During ‘Alpha One’ Exercise"

From | June 7, 2024 Military Aviation | STEFANO D'URSO |

"For the first time in three decades, the Swiss Air Force operated fighter jets from a highway, and the operations were also broadcast live on TV."

"On Jun. 5, 2024, the Swiss Air Force executed the pre-announced 'Alpha One' exercise, with four F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets landing on the A1 motorway between Payerne and Avanches. This is the first time in more than 30 years, as the last time was in 1991 when Hunters and F-5s landed on the A2 motorway near Lodrino."

"The goal of the operation was to assess the ability of the Swiss combat aircraft to operate in case airfields are unavailable or a decentralization of air defense is required."

Air defense as needed by the Swiss in case of a general war in Europe. Russia versus everyone else.

Preparations if this type I think with pretty good justification not a good sign. Expedient and dispersal air strips and an ability to continue aerial war-making capability. 

See all previous blog entries the air forces of various nations practicing highway take-off and landing:


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