Friday, June 28, 2024

AI Military.

This is coolbert:

Instances of AI the military dimension.

1. "Ukraine Develops Drones That Can Recognize, Shoot ‘Based on Uniforms’"

From | by JOE SABALLA | JUNE 27, 2024.

"A Ukrainian tech startup has developed artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled drones that can be programmed to recognize and shoot based on uniforms."

Separate the wheat [friendly troops] from the chaff [the bad guys] and target the latter!

"The unmanned platforms are reportedly capable of communicating with one another, making quick decisions on where to attack, and approaching targets as a 'swarm.'"

As Palmer should be well aware the future of AI military applications is not tomorrow, it is now!

2. "US Firm Develops AI-Enabled, Anti-GPS Jamming Navigation System"

 JOE SABALLA | JUNE 27, 2024.

"American tech startup SandboxAQ has launched a new artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled navigation system it said can address persistent GPS jamming."

"Called the AQNav, the technology leverages powerful quantum sensors to gather data from the Earth’s crustal magnetic field."

This is MagNav. The topic of a prior blog entry:

"This allows the system to provide real-time navigation in areas where GPS signals are denied or unavailable."

AI-enabled MagNav also not the future. Is now. Total reliance on satellite outer-space based navigation systems GPS or GLONASS not an absolute.

"In every war they invent a new way of killing you!"


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