Wednesday, July 3, 2024


This is coolbert:

"One of the ways of increasing the mobility of spetsnaz behind enemy lines is to provide part of the unit with very lightweight motorcycles capable of operating on broken terrain." - Suvorov.

As is now during the Ukraine Conflict? These Russian motorcycle units probably manned by special purpose units personnel. Spetsnaz!

"Russian Motorcycle 'Cavalry' Accelerate the Speed of Offensive"

From | 7/1/24 | Ekaterina Blinova.

"Russian military personnel of the Vostok battlegroup actively used motorcycles and quad bikes during the liberation of the village of Staromayorskoye and other settlements on approach to Ugledar in the Donbass region, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense."

"The Russian military has employed a new tactic of motorcycle assault to cross exposed fields, minimize the risk of attack by Ukrainian drones, and break through enemy defenses from the flanks, the Defense Ministry's press service revealed on June 30."

Motorized "cavalry" troops of the highest possible caliber more than likely spetsnaz competitive at the international moto-cross level of competition.

Diversionary units giving the Ukrainian a lot of aggravation!



This is coolbert:

"Palau islands American military presence

Compact of Free Association: The Compact, signed in 1982, provides for U.S. defense responsibility for Palau for 50 years, with the U.S. providing financial assistance and support to Palau in exchange for access to the islands" [AI generated]

Air field Peleliu. As was agreed upon over forty years ago has now come to pass!

"US military rebuilds runway on site of ‘nightmare’ World War II battle"

From | By Brad Lendon, CNN  |  June 30, 2024.

"(CNN) - A US Marine Corps aircraft has landed on a rebuilt runway on a World War II-era Japanese airfield on the Pacific island of Peleliu, site of one of the Marines’ bloodiest battles of the war and now a possible US basing option in a strategy to counter China."

"The KC-130 Hercules transport aircraft touched down on the 6,000-foot runway on June 22 in what a Marine Corps press release called 'a significant and triumphant return to this iconic World War II site.'”

"Marine engineers had been working on rebuilding the runway for months, clearing brush, removing trees and ensuring no unexploded ordnance remained from the World War II battle on the island, which is part of the island country of Palau."


"The Marines named the rebuilt landing strip the 'Sledge' runway in honor of a veteran of the Peleliu battle, Pfc. Eugene Sledge, a mortarman on the island who wrote about it in a memoir"

As I have remarked so many times before, everyone making ready! Do I need to tell you for what?


Tuesday, July 2, 2024


This is coolbert: 

Undersea cables and other vital under-water infrastructure again! North Sea and probably beyond that. 

"Important development: Russia mine Western underwater communications in the North Sea – The first target to be hit!"

"NATO is strengthening its entire submarine [underwater] defense"

From https://warnews247 | Alexandros Boufesis info@warnews247.gr30.06.2024 | 

"NATO fears Russia has mine critical maritime infrastructure, at least in the North Sea. It is noted that a few days ago Russian analysts urged the country's Army to 'cut in two' Europe and the United States by hitting."

Internet fiber-optic cable, gas and oil pipelines mined in advance to be destroyed in the eventuality of war between NATO and Russia.

"In the last ten years, more than 160 non-military Russian ships have carried out 945 suspicious maneuvers. At least 749 – within a kilometer [half-mile] radius of the pipelines."

Guards Minelayers Russian naval GRU in action? At least during that period of the Cold War all [?] Soviet oceanic-going vessels designed with dual-purpose military/commercial mission. Has that long standing tradition continued?

See previous blog entries the potential for war-making, the undersea infrastructure problem:


Monday, July 1, 2024


This is coolbert:

Russian conventional bomb modified with wings and guidance system the war-winning weapon?

1. "It blows everything away." What Russia used for the first time in the Northeast Military District zone"

"Russian aviation began using three-ton FAB-3000 aerial bombs"

Glide bomb about 2700 kg.

From  | by Andrey Kots | 06/25/2024.

"MOSCOW, June 25 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. Several videos of attacks on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions with heavy three-ton FAB-3000-M54 aerial bombs have already appeared on social networks. This weapon had not been used before. Read about what this most powerful weapon is capable of in the RIA Novosti article."

2. "Russian Glide Bombs: Cheap, Deadly and Almost Unstoppable"

From | By Wall Street Journal | June 20, 2024.

"Russia is using cheap, highly-explosive glide bombs to devastating effect in Ukraine. WSJ explains how they work and why they are so hard to counter. Illustration: Louisa Naks"

"WSJ examines military innovation and tactics emerging around the world, breaking down the tech behind the weaponry and its potential impact."



3. "How Ukraine can defeat Russian glide bombs"

From | By John Hoehn and William Courtney | Jun 27, 2024.

"In recent months, Russia has terrorized Ukraine’s front-line troops and nearby cities with glide bombs. They are large, free-fall bombs with pop-out wings and satellite navigation, which operate similarly to weapons equipped with the United States’ precision-guided, aerial Joint Direct Attack Munition."

"Currently, Ukraine has few counters to glide bomb strikes."

Three methods as proposed to counter the Russian glide bomb. None of these methods easy, fraught with difficulties in all cases. Devoted readers to the blog must peruse the c4isnet article in entirety and decide for themselves suggested counter-measures Russian glide bomb feasible and do-able!

Hey! Nobody ever said any of this was going to be easy!


Sun Ke.

This is coolbert:

“'These people suffer the most from being without a country, and for more than 2,600 years they have moved about homeless,' . . .  'The British want to set up a permanent settlement in Palestine,'. . . 'but this has provoked vehement opposition from the Arabs there, and the violence has not yet died down.'” - Sun Ke.

The Promised Land China? China? Consider this blog entry to be a borderline topic but interesting nonetheless.

Herewith an oddity and curiosity of history:

"How a Brooklyn dentist almost formed a Jewish homeland in pre-WW II China"

"Seeing a land free of antisemitism, Albert Einstein and Chinese leaders pushed plans to settle 100,000 Jews fleeing Nazis in Yunnan, the Himalayan foothills of China’s hinterland"

From | By HARRY SAUNDERS |  6/29/24.

"FOREIGN POLICY — On March 7, 1939, China’s top legislative official, Sun Ke, filed a dispatch to the government’s Civil Affairs Office. As a member of the Supreme Council for National Defense, he had spent the previous two years searching for ways to give China a fighting chance against the invading Japanese. Now, Sun Ke wanted to brief his colleagues on a seemingly unrelated issue: the plight of the Jewish people."

"Sun Ke believed that a more suitable refuge could be found in his own country. Not in Shanghai, where 20,000 Jews had already fled, but in the Himalayan foothills of China’s hinterland. With Laos to the south and what was then called Burma to the west, Yunnan was a border province with an unusually temperate climate, staggering natural beauty, and enough uncultivated land to accommodate 100,000 Jews fleeing Nazi persecution. What it lacked in scriptural significance, it made up for with its history free of antisemitic violence."

Idea of Sun Ke never came to fruition! Probably a no-starter from the beginning.

See other instances of proposed Jewish homeland settlement other than British Mandated Palestine:
