Tuesday, June 11, 2024


This is coolbert:

To war with liquid stimulant!

"Ukrainian soldiers hooked on energy drinks – NYT"

 https://www.rt.com/russia | 9 Jun, 2024  https://tinyurl.com/5n6s7ddu

"Some service members are unable to cope with the workload on the front line without a liquid jolt, the paper reports"

Older individuals I well suspect!

"Energy drinks have become the beverage of choice for many Ukrainian soldiers in the conflict with Russia despite health concerns, the New York Times reported on Saturday."

"According to numerous Ukrainian troops interviewed by the paper, the sugar- and caffeine-loaded drinks are often the only way for them to overcome extreme exhaustion and endure the harsh realities of the front line."

War is a game for young men!

"Energy drinks have become increasingly popular among individuals seeking a quick energy boost. However, these drinks can pose serious health risks, especially for certain groups"

Particular dangerous for older men with undiagnosed heart condition. Too much "boost" and you can die!

See previous blog entries that topic of stimulant the Ukraine Conflict:




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