Monday, June 3, 2024


This is coolbert:

Baseless and unfounded! American naval vessels Red Sea patrol struck by cruise missiles.

It is not that I don't believe this to be so. It is that I don't want to believe any of this is so!

"The Houthi's wild claim to have struck a US aircraft carrier is pure fiction"

From | Chris Panella | May 31, 2024 |

* "The Houthis' claim that they struck the USS Eisenhower is untrue, per a defense official."

* "The Houthis claimed the missile attack was retaliation for Thursday US strikes in Yemen."

* "The Eisenhower is a lead ship in the US Navy's response to the Houthis in the Red Sea."

Translation from Google Translate: "'DIRECT HIT': YEMEN ATTACKS WITH BALLISTIC MISSILES US AIRCRAFT CARRIER USS EISENHOWER BURNING IN THE RED SEA" Anti-ship sea-skimming cruise missiles to be exact.

Go see for yourselves the actual full animated X post:


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