Saturday, January 13, 2024


This is coolbert.

Regard the answer to the question as posed by the         to be only partially complete!

"Why Biden finally attacked the Houthis"

"unsustainable: adjective - not capable of being prolonged or continued"

"US and UK shift from defensive to offensive posture after Iran-backed rebel drone and missile Red Sea attacks hurtled out of control"

From | By STEPHEN BRYEN  |  JANUARY 13, 2024.

"Since mid-November, the Houthis have been launching attacks against shipping in the Red Sea. The US sent a number of AEGIS destroyers to help protect international shipping, performing the dual role of intercepting Houthi drones and missiles and coming to the aid of distressed commercial ships." 

"The British also sent one of its best ships, the HMS Diamond. However, something changed to cause the US and the UK to actually strike Houthi military sites in retaliation."

"Serious doubts arose on both the British and US sides that they were not equipped to deal with swarms of Houthi UAVs and missiles. On January 10, US and British forces shot down 21 drones and missiles. British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said that doing this was unsustainable. What did he mean?"

Now for the rest of the story:

As has been intimated about in several prior blog entries.

* Drone attack the Red Sea benefit-cost-ratio too greatly in favor of the Hootie Tootie insurgents.

* Surface to air intercept missiles as loaded in the vertical launch system cells of the American and presumably the British destroyers when all expended the ships need to return to an American or British home port for reload!

And now you know the rest of the story, and are so much better off for too!


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