Saturday, January 13, 2024

ERW Gaza.

This is coolbert:

See previous blog entries here and here as applicable to the use of potential Israeli use of atomic weapons Gaza, the neutron bomb ERW enhanced radiation weapon.

Accusations and allegations of Israeli use of the neutron bomb ERW the Gaza War 100% inaccurate and unfounded, disinformation! Again the blood libel against the Israeli use of diabolical weapons of war with intention to eradicate the Gaza population. Allegations and accusations of a scurrilous and horrific nature. Accusations that nonetheless cannot be taken lightly or ignored.

Deceit, duplicity, falsehood, fraud, lying, trickery, untruth, deceitfulness, deceptive, dissimulation.

With regard to radiation damage the ERW weapon, consider an extract from an article by the famous scientist George Kistiakowsky:

"At a 1.7 km [1 mile] distance from the 1 kt [kiloton] explosion ERW the radiation exposure radiation drops to 150 rad. Statistically this results in about 10% deaths from radiation sickness within a few months at most and also in a high incidence of breast, thyroid, long and stomach cancers as well as leukemia, which may be delayed as much as 20 to 30 years."

"At a distance of 2.3 km [1 1/2] miles] the exposure drops to 15 rad. this is long enough so that radiation sickness is not experienced after exposure but delayed cancers and leukemia are expected in some of the exposed populations."

"The harmful genetic effects may manifest themselves for several generations. They also decrease with decreasing exposure. At about 2 km [1.2 miles] their frequency will double the spontaneous rate of mutations  which is statistically quite unmistakable." 

"The above estimates are the effects of radiation exposure are probably conservative, since there are mostly derived from observations of individuals exposed largely to gamma radiation. The ERW, however, causes damage by neutrons."

If indeed, the neutron bomb was being used in the Gaza War, I would 100% suspect that the international system active for detecting nuclear detonations would fully be able to identify and report these events. A variety of methods besides the double hump flash of an atomic weapon being in use.

Real time detection of atomic that nations in the atmosphere fully 100% guaranteed - you cannot hide!


"The International Monitoring System (IMS) is a unique global network that, when complete, will consist of 321 monitoring stations and 16 laboratories hosted by 89 countries around the globe. Around 90 percent of these 337 facilities are already up and running, providing a steady flow of real-time data." 


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