Sunday, January 14, 2024


This is coolbert: 

"Shoah is the Hebrew word for 'catastrophe'.  This term specifically means the killing of nearly six million Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during the Second World War. English-speaking countries more commonly use the word Holocaust, which is Greek for 'sacrifice by fire'."

The Israeli military has only a few days ago announced that during the sustained three month aerial bombardment of Gaza they have now dropped 65,000 tons of bombs on Gaza. Need a tell anyone that is equal to 3+ Nagasaki bombs as dropped during World War II. 

Within context of the aerial bombardment 2023 consider these pronouncements of a senior Israeli official during the anti-Hamas Cast Lead campaign 2008.

1. "Israeli minister warns Palestinians of 'holocaust'"

From  | Published:  02.29.08.

"By stepping up Qassam rocket attacks on Israel 'Palestinians will bring upon themselves a bigger holocaust because we will use all our might to defend ourselves,' says Deputy Defense Minister [Matan] Vilnai says. Hamas in response: We are facing new Nazis"

2. "Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust'"

From  | By Tim Butcher in Jerusalem  | 29 February 2008.

"A senior Israeli politician [Matan Vilnai] provoked controversy today when he warned that Palestinians firing rockets from Gaza would be punished with a 'bigger holocaust' from Israeli armed forces..."

What was in the mind of General Valnai in 2008 has now come to fruition in 2023?

"Emotion clouds reason" - Michael Corleone - The Godfather.


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