Sunday, January 14, 2024


This is coolbert:

"Wunderwaffe generally refers to a universal solution which solves all problems related to a particular issue, mostly used ironically for its illusionary nature."


Wonder weapon the Ukraine conflict. The Ukrainian military now able to blast dozens of Russian helicopters out of the sky with absolute impunity? It does sound too good to be true.

We have heard of this before. This will represent a game changer just that one thing that puts Ukrainians over the top, a decisive advantage over the Russian.

"game changer: noun - a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way"

From Newsweek ^ | Jan. 12, 2024 | Aleks Phillips  |  the tip from

"Ukrainian forces destroyed 26 Russian helicopters in a single day using an unknown long-range weapon supplied by Kyiv's allies, Volodymyr Zelensky has claimed. During a press conference with journalists in Latvia on Thursday, the Ukrainian president remained light on details when discussing the use of the mystery weapon, not disclosing which country had provided the system, how long it had been in operation or when it had been used against the helicopters."

With regard to wonder weapon top secret as a game changer, the psychological damage in some ways greater than the actual physical damage

A top-secret wonder weapon, when employed, however, must be used in prodigious numbers, overwhelming the enemy, the idea again being more psychological and physical. Your adversary has no counter and is totally at your mercy.

"It’s a previously unknown weapon which is unveiled at the perfect moment for a major strategic advantage."

To reiterate, the use of top-secret wonder weapon must never be done on an onesie-twosie scale! Use only on a mass scale for greatest effectiveness.

"Onesie-twosie: adverb - (idiomatic) Individually or in very small groups, rather in larger batches."


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