Monday, December 19, 2022


This is coolbert:

“These guys are heroes of the North, that chose to fight Neo-Nazism and gave their lives in battle with Evil. We must know their names. We must commemorate their bravery,” - Murmansk Governor Andrei Chibis."

"Who are the North Russian men killed in Ukraine?"

"A big number of them were recruited from provincial towns and villages located far from the regional capitals. Many were in their early 20s."

From the article by Atle Staalesen December 05, 2022.

Warning: slideshows contain material that may cause distress for persons who are easily offended by material of an adult and frank nature:

See slideshow one and slideshow 2.

Images of Russian soldiers is killed in action the Ukraine Conflict. Troops troops mobilized and sent into action for the Russian war effort from the far north having seemingly suffered a disproportionate price relative to other Russian combat units.

Casualties those killed in action not strictly limited to the troops of the 200th separate motorized rifle brigade.

See all previous blog entries soldiers of the Russian far north military contingents committed to the Ukraine conflict:


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