Sunday, July 11, 2021


This is coolbert:

Consider this not to be: 1. A goodwill voyage. 2. A show-the-flag exercise. 3. A shake-down cruise. Hardly confined to any of that.

Queen Elizabeth II the first operational sailing. And YES does involve combat and cat-and-mouse.. From Freeper and thanks to same.

"UK Scrambled Sub-Hunting Aircraft As Russian Submarine ‘Stalked’ Carrier In Mediterranean"

"UK media on Friday revealed another major military close encounter with a Russian vessel following the June 23 Black Sea warning shot incident – but this time in the Mediterranean where a Russian submarine was said to be 'stalking' the Royal Navy’s Carrier Strike Group in the waters."

See from the Aviationist an article the topic F-35B from the QE II a combat mission as flown against Islamic State combatants.

"F-35B Jets From HMS Queen Elizabeth Have Joined The Fight Against Daesh"

"UK Carrier Strike Group launching F-35B missions in support of Operation Shader from the eastern Mediterranean Sea."

See all previous blog entries the topic the first operational voyage of the Queen Elizabeth II:


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