Saturday, July 17, 2021


This is coolbert:

Rwanda to the rescue? Rwanda?

From the VOA and the article by Edward Rwema.

"Rwanda Sends 1,000 Soldiers, Police to Fight Mozambique Militants"

"Rwanda says it is sending 1,000 security personnel to Cabo Delgado province in northern Mozambique to help fight Islamist militants who have terrorized the region. In a statement issued Friday on the government's website, Rwanda said the deployment would start immediately and was being done at the request of the Mozambican government."

That government of Mozambique quite reticent about allowing outside forces to assist in the war against the Islamic insurgents. NOW this?

I cannot think that 1,000 Rwanda troops are going to make much of a difference in the anti-insurgency campaign.

Combat service support duty a possible. Free Mozambique military personnel for combat arms duty?

Stand by with this one!

See previous blog entries [with embedded additional entrie4s the Mozambique situation:


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