Monday, January 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

"They don't think anything about pressing a button. This is what they do all day long. Now we have to completely undo 18 years of communicating all day long and tell them that's bad. That will get you killed, so turn your cell phone off," - Berger, Commandant USMC.


Berger USMC too in part right and in part wrong! He presents only half of the story!

"Russia's war in Ukraine shows why troops need to learn to put their phones away, top US Marine general says"

Business Insider Christopher Woody December 31, 2022.

"For US military leaders, the war underscores the need to manage their forces' electronic signatures."

"Russia's war in Ukraine has vividly demonstrated the consequences of communications failures."

"To do that, younger troops will have to unlearn some habits, the Marine Corps' top general says."

Yes to General Burger Commandant USMC telling the troops not to use your cell phones. Better yet the Commandant USMC should be saying don’t even have them with you.

Your cell phone without you knowing it may be infected by malware that allows a hostile adversary to remotely and even without your knowledge operate your smart phone in a manner that you are not even aware of. A hostile adversary then able to listen to everything you say, know your location on a map and also perhaps even see what you were doing and know with absolute certainty as to what your activity is.

Especially dangerous are images which have been download to the smart phone that are of a saucy, racy and sexually suggestive nature usually of scantily clad young women playing the femme-fatale role.

"Femme-fatale:  noun - An alluring woman, esp. one who leads men to their downfall or ruin."

See my previous blog entry boys Beware the Barbie!

See also many previous bargain trees log entries and additional embedded links as relevant and applicable:

Boys you have been warned and repeatedly so. Hear and listen to the admonitions of General Berger USMC and go even beyond what he recommends. This I tell you 100% true.


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