Monday, April 11, 2022


This is coolbert:

If indeed this recording be true, then again what was feared has come to pass.

Blocking units in existence Ukraine. Russian army deserters, shirkers, slackers, malingerers compelled by force to return to the fight. As it was in WW2 so it is in Ukraine.

Courtesy the Chechen boys. Blocking units consisting of ethnic Chechens referred to as the Kadyrovites.

I cannot think of having a worse bunch of persons given authority to goad the Russian troops forward. Chechens as a group both greatly hated an feared by your average "Great Russian".

See this You Tube video from a source Ukraine. [judge the veracity of as you will]

Kadyrov units = Chechens.

"Russian propaganda shapes their image as a formidable force capable of carrying out any task of Putin. But after 26 days of war, this myth is completely debunked. Kadyrov units are now called ‘TikTok troops’ for their love of staged videos. Because during the war they ‘distinguished themselves’ only by recording videos and committing atrocities against civilian population. In addition, their main task is to ‘clean up’ and kill Russian soldiers fleeing the battlefield. That is, they perform the function of ‘anti-retreat squads’ and shoot at their own military. Although, they do not see Russians as ‘their own’, they call them ‘lousy’ and are happy to kill them."


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