Tuesday, April 12, 2022


This is coolbert:

From "War News Updates" many links the topic the Russian preparations for the climactic battle that perhaps will decide the Ukrainian Conflict.

"Ukraine And Russia Prepare For Donbas Battle"

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022.

The BIG PUSH is at hand. Preparations underway as we speak. Massive numbers of troops massing with and abundance of artillery, armor, supplies, etc. The NEW MAN commanding makes his intent known to all with determination.

The GRAND SCALE Russian offensive to defeat once and for all the Ukrainian army. Donbass secure for all eternity as the goal? 

"19FortyFive: Battle of Donbas: A Massive Tank War Could Decide Ukraine’s Fate"

"Russia and Ukraine appear to be in the final stages of preparation to fight the Battle of Donbas, in what is shaping up to be the biggest tank battle in Europe since the decisive Battle of Kursk in World War II." 

"The stakes for both Moscow and Kyiv couldn’t be higher."

Devoted readers to the blog may peruse the various links at their leisure and are encouraged to do so!

"The course of the entire war could hinge on the outcome in the Donbas."

OF COURSE the Ukrainian with an apparent doggedness and resiliance remarkable even making their own preparations.

KURSK 1943 an almost victory for the Germans. Germans finally stymied by minefields of extraordinary depth. Advance stalled, objectives not met.

Devoted readers to the blog do any of us doubt that the endgame is at hand? Capitualtion for the Ukraine unthinkable? Stalemate for the Russian untenable?


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