Sunday, November 14, 2021


This is coolbert:

"As a community, we are beyond disappointed by the disrespectful actions of those responsible for defacing such an important monument on such an important day for all Canadians,"

Even in Canada this sort of thing occurs. Even there!

Desecration war memorial, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. As reported by Fox News the article from two days ago by Edmund DeMarche.

"War memorial defaced with graffiti: ‘The real heroes are the vaccinated’"

"A war memorial in Cranbrook, British Columbia was defaced before the town celebrated its veterans for Remembrance Day on Thursday with a pro-vaccine message in green spray paint."

Persons that do this sort of thing are way below contempt. My perspective the perpetrators derive some sort of perverse and sickening pleasure by the desecration much more than the message itself. 

See previous blog entries the topic war memorial desecration:


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