Sunday, November 5, 2017


This is coolbert

The wings of the eagle have been clipped!


From WIZARD through Harry at Sharkhunters:

"A fire broke out aboard the Polish Navy's only Kilo-class submarine, ORP ORZEL recently, as it was docked at the Polish navy shipyard in Gdynia for repairs. The incident was initially not reported by the defense ministry and was confirmed by Armed Forces General Command spokesman Cichy following an inquiry."

"According to Polish media, four sailors were aboard the submarine when the incident occurred on 27 September but no one was hurt. The extent of damage the fire caused is yet to be revealed."

"ORP ORZEL has spent the past three years docked for maintenance and repairs. It is now unclear whether the 31-year old submarine will return to service as the cost of repairs could turn out to be too high for the investment to pay off."

"This is not the first incident ORP ORZEL has been involved in since starting her repairs in February 2014. In 2016, the submarine was damaged while being undocked, prompting further delays in returning to sea."

As been noted in many previous blog entries, it seems the danger to a submarine is greater when the vessel is at dock and not sailing as compared to a boat at sea, submerged. This sounds obviously counter-intuitive but the record seems to suggest so.

I would have to think too that the cost of repairs for a thirty-one year old submarine, not counting the refit and refurbishment and time spent would be greater than BUYING A BRAND NEW BOAT!

See previous blog entries the topic of which was damage to submarines while docked:


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