Saturday, November 4, 2017


This is coolbert:

Rape as a weapon of war!

Male on male rape in this instance!

At least to my knowledge nothing like this has occurred in one hundred years!!

Thanks to the English Guardian the article by Cecile Allegra that tip from Freeper.

"Revealed: male rape used systematically in Libya as instrument of war"

"Male rape is being used systematically in Libya as an instrument of war and political domination by rival factions, according to multiple testimonies gathered by investigators. ..In several instances, witnesses say a victim was thrown into a room with other prisoners, who were ordered to rape him or be killed. The atrocity is being perpetrated to humiliate and neutralize opponents in the lawless, militia-dominated country. Male rape is such a taboo in Arab societies that the abused generally feel too damaged to rejoin political, military or civic life."

"Too damaged". "Humiliate and neutralize". Exactly. Rape not so much an expression of sexual lust but rather a power trip for the perpetrator. "I dominate you and you submit to my will!"

English army officer as prisoners-of-war of the Turk during the Great War subjected to male on male rape. Degradation, abasement and humiliation the goal. The enlisted men will no longer respect you or submit to your orders!! You the victim too your very psyche and confidence in yourself probably ruined more or less forever.


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