Tuesday, June 25, 2024


This is coolbert:

The American military man [ex-military I presume] acting badly. Very badly to say the least.

 Rogue American soldier [a mercenary] using his military training and skills. A bomber-maker for the Mexican drug cartels.

Innocent of charges until found guilty in a court of law I must remind!

"EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Soldier Charged with Building Bombs for the Gulf Cartel in Mexico"  

From https://www.breitbart.com | ILDEFONSO ORTIZ and BRANDON DARBY | 25 Jun 2024.

"Mexican authorities arrested a former U.S. soldier who had allegedly been building explosives for the Gulf Cartel just south of the Texas border. The arrest had been kept largely under wraps as federal authorities built up the case against him, as he stands accused of manufacturing land mines and other explosives."

"Breitbart Texas confirmed with sources from Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office that in May, a group of federal officers arrested William Louis Anhert in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. The arrest came during a raid at a camp used by the Escorpiones faction of the Gulf Cartel. During that raid, authorities arrested several Gulf Cartel gunmen and seized various explosive devices and components."

Details about the villain [assuming he is one] not made public. I can almost guarantee this individual some sort of Special Operations troop or EOD operator. EOD = Explosive Ordnance Disposal. 

If found guilty after fair trial this man deservedly will receive harsh punishment. He made a hard bed and will have to sleep on it.


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