Thursday, June 20, 2024


This is coolbert: 

From the rubble will rise the Phoenix? Hamas will survive and thrive?

"The concept of the Phoenix . . . is inspired by the mythical bird that rises from its own ashes, symbolizing renewal and rebirth." [AI generated]

"Two Hamas battalions not participating in fighting"

"Report: Two Hamas battalions not participating in fighting"

From Israel National News | Jun 18, 2024 |

"Hamas assigned a significant force that is not participating in the war, with the intention of creating a governing force in Gaza after the war."

"Sources in Gaza say that Hamas was prepared for the Israeli plan to disband all battalions of its military arm and therefore prepared its own plan, which is based on two battalions that will be a governing force in Gaza after the war, Kan News reported."

"According to the report, one battalion in Deir al-Balah and one in Khan Yunis were instructed not to participate in the fighting, as much as possible, to maintain their abilities to be a reserve force for future security control over Gaza."

Cadre elements as the nucleus of a renewed and re-energized Hamas biding their time. I can conceive that a whole lot of Gazan residents will rally to the cause too!

"It isn't over until it is over."


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