Sunday, February 11, 2024


This is coolbert:

Article from September of last year but still absolutely relevant.

Bulgaria sending an inventory of out-of-service MALFUNCTIONING and INOPERABLE air defense missiles [S-300] to the Ukrainian?

"Bulgaria will donate S-300 malfunctioning missiles to Ukraine"

 From |  By Boyko Nikolov | Sep 26, 2023.

"Members of the Bulgarian Parliament are contemplating a significant proposition regarding the donation of missiles for the S-300 air defense system, a pivotal element safeguarding the country’s airspace."


"While such news might usually be treated as standard, a statement by Ivaylo Mirchev, an MP from DB, stirred several inquiries. Mirchev suggested that the S-300 missiles, deemed unusable by the Bulgarian military, could essentially function as spare parts for the Ukrainians. According to Mirchev’s comments, the missiles can’t be renovated or revived in Bulgaria while the Ukrainians possess the necessary capacity to utilize them."

Missiles [S-300] inoperable and not repairable! But the Ukrainian can use for spare parts. I guess it is good to fly!


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