Sunday, February 11, 2024


This is coolbert:

See previous blog entry with the graph, the value of the dollar versus the Israeli shekel.

Now this:

"Moody’s Gives Hamas a Win with First-ever Israeli Credit Downgrade"

From | JOEL B. POLLAK | 10 Feb 2024.

"The Moody’s credit rating agency delivered a victory to Hamas and its Iranian patron on Friday by downgrading Israel’s credit rating for the first time ever, from A1 to A2, due to the war Hamas started."

"Moody’s has cut Israel’s credit rating from A1 to A2, due to the effects of the war. The international ratings agency has also lowered Israel’s outlook from stable to negative and sees a possible further downgrade in the future. In effect, Moody’s has taken the most drastic rating action possible, surprising even the most pessimistic market forecasts. This is the first time that Moody’s has ever cut Israel’s credit rating."

Big jump in the value of the shekel in that immediate aftermath of 7 October followed by a precipitous drop with indication now of slow recovery. A protracted counter-insurgency following and end to major military operation Gaza and you can full well expect a stagnant Israeli economy for some time unto the future?


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