Sunday, February 11, 2024


This is coolbert:

"Everything but the kitchen sink and maybe that too!"

See from that very recent prior blog entry.

KITCHEN X-22 missile! The Russian did include the KITCHEN X-22 missile that most recent missile bombardment Ukraine!

"Russia’s Kh-22 – the Missile Ukraine Has Yet to Shoot Down"

"In 2000, Ukraine transferred 386 Kh-22 missiles to Russia as an installment against the gas debt. These have since be used to target Ukrainian cities in attacks like the one this morning." [29 December]

From | by Kyiv Post | December 29, 2023.

"Since the launch of the full-scale invasion, Russian forces have fired around 300 Kh-22 missiles (also called X-22 in English) at Ukraine, none of which have been intercepted and shot down, a Kyiv official said on Friday."

"Speaking just hours after a massive attack on cities across Ukraine, Air Force spokesperson Yuriy Ihnat said this and a modified version of the rocket were likely some of those that made it past air defenses today." [29 December]

KITCHEN [NATO code name] Russian missile carrying a severe wallop [a large warhead] with a near impossible flight trajectory to intercept and shoot-down.

Modified version of KITCHEN [Kh-32] used the most recent attack Ukraine? As from the wiki entry:

"By August 2016, Russia was finalizing the trials of the Kh-32 cruise missile, a derivative of the Kh-22. Designed for use by the Tu-22M3 bomber, the missile is designed to climb to 40 km (130,000 ft) to the stratosphere after launch, transition to level flight, then perform a steep dive to the target"

Near invulnerable to intercept and shoot-down! KITCHEN!


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