Tuesday, February 13, 2024


This is coolbert:

“No enemy bomber can reach the Ruhr. If one reaches the Ruhr, my name is not Goering. You may call me Meyer.”

Sorry old fellow. Not merely the Ruhr. Far east of the Ruhr too.

Within context of the Gazan War and the Israeli aerial bombardment thereof, consider the damage as done to German cities during WW2.

Herewith a partial listing chosen at random, those cities of Germany damaged 50 % by the strategic allied bombing offensive WW2. 

Without regard to any sort of precedence or order:

Hamburg/ Berlin/Emden/Wilhelmshaven/ Hamm/Dusseldorf/Koln/ Ulm/Stuttgart/ Magdeburg/Osnabruck/ Kassel/ Magen/ Essen/ Wessel/ Mainz/Koblenz/Dresden/ Hanover/ Bremen/ Frankfurt 1 Main/ Frankfurt 2 Oder.


Gaza City alone that amount of devastation and destruction the generally accepted [?] figure of about 55 % after four months of more-or-less continuous onslaught the Israeli Air Force [IAF]!

As to call me Meyer:

"the phrase is/was a German idiom meaning 'virtually impossible' and best translated as 'you can call me a Dutchman' or 'you can call me a monkey's uncle'."


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