Tuesday, February 13, 2024


This is coolbert:

"The Netherlands houses one of several regional warehouses of US-owned F-35 parts, from which the parts are distributed to countries that request them, including Israel in at least one shipment since Oct. 7."

Spare parts Israeli F-35 interdiction the Netherlands.

"Court Orders Netherlands To Halt F-35 Parts For Israel As EU Says 'Too Many People' Are Dying"

From https://www.zerohedge.com | BY TYLER DURDEN | FEB 12, 2024. 

"Israel's worst nightmare is beginning to unfold. It has worked for years and decades to prevent a global boycott movement from ever gaining traction amid persistent accusations it violates Palestinians' human rights, but amid the current war and soaring civilian death toll in Gaza, there are signs the pro-boycott movement is gaining steam."

"The government of the Netherlands has been ordered to block of all exports of F-35 fighter jet parts by a Dutch appeals court, on fears that the transfer would contribute to human rights violations."

This Borrell [Vice-President of the European Commission] having made previous critical comments the Israeli aerial bombardment of Gaza.

From the perspective of Borrell exactly how many lives killed in Gaza WOULD be acceptable?


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