Wednesday, February 14, 2024


 This is coolbert:

"The Ukrainian Armed Forces, together with the Defense Ministry's intelligence unit, destroyed the Tsezar Kunikov [BDK-64] large landing ship. It was in Ukraine's territorial waters near Alupka at the time of the hit,"

Yet MORE disaster the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Another major warship gone to the bottom. Ukrainian swarm [?] unmanned surface vessel [USV] attack successful. 

"Ukraine says it sank Russian large landing warship in Black Sea"

From | By Tom Balmforth and Pavel Polityuk | February 14, 2024.

"KYIV, Feb 14 (Reuters) - Ukraine destroyed a Russian landing warship off the coast of occupied Crimea in an operation with naval drones that breached the vessel's port side on Wednesday and caused it to sink, Kyiv's military spy agency and armed forces said."

"There was no immediate comment from Russia, which said earlier that it had destroyed six drones in the Black Sea. The Kremlin declined to comment."

This is Jeune École in action. Young School. French Nineteenth Century naval asymmetric naval warfare concept never coming to full attainment until now!

"The Jeune École ('Young School') was a strategic naval concept developed during the 19th century. It advocated the use of small, heavily armed vessels to combat larger battleships"

Torpedo boats the Nineteenth Century! The threat a drone USV today!

See previous blog entry the recent attack Russian missile gunboat:


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