Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Ehrhart USMC.

This is coolbert:

"An experienced fighter pilot, Ehrhart says he has intercepted seven Houthi drones. But when flying so close to these explosive devices, he says, every interception carries great risk."

Capt. Earl Ehrhart USMC. Pilot Harrier AV-8 jump-jet. USS Bataan.

Mission the Red Sea now indefinite extended until further notice. Intercept Hootie Tootie combat attack kamikaze drone UAV. 

"The fighter pilots hunting Houthi [Hootie Tootie] drones over the Red Sea"

From | By Nafiseh Kohnavard, Middle East correspondent.

Ehrhart having already intercepted seven Hootie Tootie combat drones. No word if he can count as having engaged and shot-down.

Harrier can engage incoming enemy drones with air-to-air missiles or 25 mm autocannon fire. Harrier equipped with sophisticated Litening targeting pod 

I am not aviation expert but the Harrier may possess certain flight characteristics that make it the ideal warplane for intercepting and destroying enemy one-way combat drones? I must consult with acknowledged aviation authority about this.

That distinguished naval combat aviator of the Second World War Edward O'Hare having shot down five Japanese warplane on a single occasion being awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroics.

Splashing a Hootie Tootie combat enemy drone hardly the same as a dog-fight with manned Japanese Zero warplanes I strongly suggest. Earl Ehrhart and his USMC comrades still their yeoman duty impressive!


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