Thursday, February 29, 2024


This is coolbert:

"Lifestyle diseases can be defined as diseases linked with one's lifestyle. These diseases are non-communicable diseases. They are caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol, substance use disorders and smoking tobacco, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, obesity, type II diabetes and lung cancer."

Even in the army of India. Even there? The last bastion of the traditional Englishman falls victim to the "sweet life".

"Indian Army implements new fitness policy to tackle 'lifestyle diseases'"

From | Nisha Anand | New Delhi | Jan 29 2024.

"The new policy imposes punitive action for overweight personnel with no improvement within 30 days. It also introduces additional tests for army personnel"

See the You Tube Short means, methods and techniques as now incorporated to remedy the problem of lifestyle diseases the Indian army:

Three-quarters of young Americans not eligible for enlistment in the military due to lifestyle disease. Drug use and overweight primarily responsible.

Think lifestyle disease scarcely a phenomenon confined to the USA or Indian military.

See here and here prior blog entries the Spanish Legion no longer a lean and mean fighting machine. Too much out-of-shape of corpulent troops needing remedial measures, diet and exercise. Even those units traditionally priding themselves on appearance and military bearing at fault. And realizing it too.


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