Wednesday, February 28, 2024


This is coolbert:

Our people pay with gold!! The Iranian drives a hard bargain with the Russian!

"Gold for Drones: Massive Leak Reveals the Iranian Shahed Project in Russia"

"Documents reveal how the Shahed 136– with a $200,000 price tag – has become a lethal weapon in Russia's arsenal in Ukraine, and what the advanced models look like"

From | Feb 21, 2024.

"A massive leak of thousands of internal emails and documents from an Iranian company connected to that country's Defense Ministry has revealed a wealth of information about Tehran's close cooperation with Moscow on suicide drones."

"The leaked documents show that since the war in Ukraine began, Russia has purchased at least 6,000 Shahed 136 drones and received extensive aid in setting up local production lines for the drones, while paying for these deals in part with several tons of gold ingots. Now, Russia is seeking both to buy and to manufacture thousands of more advanced drones."

Normally the cost of a Shahed-136 estimated at about $20,000 USD. This figure as touted of $200,000 USD per drone including the cost of the factory and not drones alone? AND PAYMENT ONLY IN GOLD!


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