Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Hessen (F221).

This is coolbert:

German naval vessel the Red Sea successfully engages Hootie Tootie drones.

"Operation Aspides, led by Greece and Italy, is the latest EU counter-piracy initiative designed to protect commercial vessels navigating the south Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden."

"German frigate deployed to Red Sea repels first Houthi attack"

From Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

"The German naval frigate Hessen, deployed to Red Sea as part of an EU naval mission to protect shipping, has repelled an attack by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen for the first time, according to DPA sources."

"The vessel successfully engaged two enemy targets Tuesday [27 February] night, sources said."

"This was the German navy's first live weapons engagement of the deployment, which began on Friday and is considered one of the German armed forces' most dangerous missions in decades."

Hessen not part of Operation Prosperity Guardian. Mission to secure the Red Sea for commercial traffic in this case an European commanded and approved naval deployment.

Gute Jagddeutsche. Gute Winde wehen in deinem Rücken.


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