Monday, January 1, 2024

Ammo DPRK.

This is coolbert:

North Korean artillery munitions unreliable and downright dangerous. The Russians have ceased using even after receiving 1 million rounds.

Courtesy an extract once more from the outstanding Internet Strategy Page and thanks to same. 

"Procurement: Notorious North Korean Munitions"


"December 23, 2023: South Korea collects a lot of useful intelligence on North Korea and keeps a lot of those secrets to itself. This is a common practice to prevent the target from discovering your sources or any other details of how you obtain information. With that in mind, the export of large quantities of 152mm artillery shells to Russian forces in Ukraine revealed a lot of data on the poor quality of North Korean munitions"


"North Korea quickly supplied Russia with about a million 152mm artillery shells. There were rumors that many of the North Korean shells were elderly and, according to South Korean intelligence, often unreliable as well. That turned out to be true. All this was available to the Russians who either ignored it or were desperate to get the 152mm artillery ammunition. When the North Korean munitions arrived in Ukraine and Russian troops began using the shells, they noted two things. First, that North Korean ammunition was unreliable and inaccurate. It was later discovered that the North Korean shells could also be dangerous to use. Some of the shells detonated immediately after leaving the gun barrel and eventually some detonated while inside the barrel. At this point the Russians had to stop using the North Korean shells, which had become more dangerous for the Russians users than the Ukrainians."

Everybody intuitively understands the battlefield is a dangerous place. It is even a more dangerous place when you have to worry about your own ordnance blowing up and killing you.

And to all of this Comrade Kim of Pyongyang in the DPRK would say what exactly?


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