Monday, January 1, 2024

AQ 400.

This is coolbert

Ukrainian wonder weapon the Ukraine conflict attack UAV AQ 400.

Ukrainian farmers can use this to reap the field of Russians and do so where the Russian lives.

From the outstanding Internet website Strategy Page and thanks to same.

"Air Weapons: Ukrainian Strategic Attack UAV"


"December 31, 2023: A Ukrainian firm recently revealed it had developed the AQ 400, a cheap, long range UAV that can make attacks over 700 kilometers [420 miles] into Russia while carrying 32 kg [70 pounds] of explosives. Cut the range in half and 70 kg [150 pounds] of explosives can be carried. Each AQ 400 costs $30,000. The airframe is made of plywood. Initial production is about a hundred a month. That will gradually increase to 500 and then 1,000 a month. AQ 400 can takeoff from short runways or via a catapult. It travels at 144 kilometers an hour [86/mph] and can stay in the air for six and a half hours."

Can take-off from a conventional airfield using the tricycle landing gear or using a catapult for launch. A very innovative design. The entire war plane made of plywood with a range fairly extensive range. Notice also the price $30,000 USD a copy and will be able to be manufactured in the quantity of 1,000 a month! See persons in the far background for scale.

You cannot help but be impressed!


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